Your response is necessary

We must respond to the call from Mother Earth

Join Liberation Station and The WarriHerz, and dive into a world where your learning journey contributes to Earth’s regeneration and restoration. Discover the power of knowledge and crypto rewards as you explore earth-positive initiatives and level up through the ranks of the WarriHerz Tribe. 

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Earn Crypto While Learning and Healing the Earth.

Contamination by industrialization has worsened all around the planet due to spreading with great irresponsibility and disrespect for the environment. Responsible waste management has been largely an afterthought or even a costly enemy, amongst the most capable parties.  Circular economic approaches must be taken to transition our industries to Earth friendly protocols. 


Globally, substances contaminating water, including inorganic arsenic, nitrates, uranium and lead, are known or suspected carcinogens, while chronic exposure to most of the contaminants has been linked to a host of other issues, including neurological and developmental problems.


Its estimated that up to 200 million tons of plastic is currently found in our oceans, and 1,000 rivers are accountable for nearly 80% of the global annual riverine plastic emissions.


The time to focus on cleaning up the messes that humans have created is here and cannot be delayed. Technologies capable of doing this have been developed but must be deployed and scaled to address the massive need we currently have around the world.

Currently, technologies and methods exist to address most of our decontamination needs, and we must do as much of this work as possible. Its inevitable that Mother Earth will need to cleanse, but our effort will determine the impact on us.

There is no escaping our responsibility to our home, of which we have collectively been poor house keepers. 

Platform Highlights

Community Collaboration

Join a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a difference. Share ideas, collaborate on projects, and grow together.

Project Submission and Voting

We want to support the initiatives you love that are helping the environment and human health. Submit your project suggestions and our community will vote on the support we direct to that project.

Learn and Earn

Engage with our educational content and earn crypto currencies as you expand your knowledge on earth-positive initiatives.

Earth Regeneration

Participate in projects that focus on restoring and regenerating our planet, and be rewarded for your contributions.

Join the Earth WarriHerz

Mint or earn WarriHerz NFTs and level up through 72 super-natural femme fatales on a mission to restore Mother Earth’s balance and reign in the Age of Aquarius for all of humanity to enjoy.  

Donate Earned Cryptocurrencies to impactful projects

When users earn crypto currencies from education modules, they are then able to donate those earnings to impactful projects around the world. Submit your project for consideration and let us supercharge your initiative!

Want your crypto on our platform? 

Submit your cryptro currency for considerati0n to Liberation Station. Candidate currenciess will compete in bi-weekly voting to detremine which currencies join our platform.

Explore Our Impactful Projects

Earth Positive Projects

Spring Board Connectivity

Springboard Connectivity is committed to bridging the gap for underrepresented and underprivileged individuals by providing essential resources such as water, food, education, and technology. Our vision is to create a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to global solutions for the climate crisis. We believe in empowering communities to achieve sustainable living and harmony with the environment.

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Organic Food Kenya

Join us in our mission to transform lives through organic farming and sustainable practices. Together, we can create a healthier, more resilient community.Organic Food Kenya (OFOK) was founded by Raymond and Jackline five years ago and officially registered in 2017 by...

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New Talent for the Best Future

We believe in empowering vulnerable refugee children to become active participants in protecting our planet through hands-on activities like recycling, waste management, and environmental education. We are not just educating them about the importance of climate action; we are equipping them with the skills and confidence to lead the way towards a sustainable future.

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Our Friends

World System Solutions Now

World Systems Solutions focuses on the inner causes of the climate crises from the unconscious choices humanity has made in the past. Our position is that real solutions to the climate crisis can only be achieved through conscious collaboration. The Phoenix World Transformation Platform offers humanity an alternative and far more powerful, cost-effective and collaborative solution to the global climate crisis. This platform is the antidote to the broken, polarized, free-market dynamics of toxic competition, greed and accumulation of wealth in the hands of a few people and nations who created the climate crisis in the first place.

Green Tech Nations Network

Connecting Your Green Businesses To Opportunities

Our underlying purpose is to incubate start-up and accelerator companies, through creative support in business planning, design, finance, manufacturing, real estate acquisition, marketing and sales.

Join Us in Making a Difference

Become a part of the Liberation Station community and contribute to Earth Regeneration and Restoration. Earn crypto currencies while you learn and make a positive impact on our planet. Your journey towards a healthier Earth and a rewarding future begins now. Click below to join our platform and start making a difference!